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    TOPS Malibu shows up big at New York Stationery Show 2016

    Dan, Judy's musician partner, represented TOPS Malibu at our booth at the New York Stationery Show in May.  Was he ever surprised to round a corner during set-up to see Judy representing in a BIG way!  There hung a floor-to-ceiling banner featuring Judy’s beautiful and timeless words beneath an image that captured her essence as a designer.  A friend & assistant to Judy for a number of years now, I can honestly affirm that she embodies every word of the quote featured beneath her amazingly youthful image.  I wasn’t around from the beginning, but I know from the stories she has told me herself that Judy lives true to her own dreams, intuition & path.  If she’s not having fun then she’s not having any of it.  Judy loves what she does and if she doesn’t love it, then she questions & changes until she finds the joy in it again.

    Judy is an inspiration and an incredible example of art in motion as she continues to create delightful creations that dare anyone to engage with life as they open themselves to her products meant to spark conversation, surprise, and connection.