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    Magic White Crystal Surprise. The Natural Surprise Ball


    In February 2016, Judy and her musician partner, Dan Bonow, travelled to The Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. This is the largest gem show in the world. Annually, rock hounds come from all over the world to display and purchase everything from diamonds to fossils.

    Judy and Dan go on the last days and they always purchase huge bags of fossils and gems from the international vendors, for Surprise Balls and Treasure Candles.  Surprises include fossils, shark teeth talismans, meteorites, crystal marbles, amethyst, crystal points, rose quartz, rubies & Judy’s favorite: fluorite octahedrons.

    This year the beauty of some geodes stopped her.  These came cracked already with a black band holding them in place.  They had beautiful white crystals lining the inside.  The geode fit in her palm. What could she put inside that geode that would be an added surprise?  A fortune!  The natural Surprize Ball.

    Crystal Geode Surprise are available on the website.

    Staff Writer